Everything about working well, wherever work is


No matter whether it is a single product for home working or an extensive office redesign
Whether it is selling products or offering advice and expertise

‘...working well...’

To help workers perform at their best
To mitigate any work related physical health issues
To help educate workers on maintaining good mental health
To help people understand the importance of mobile and agile working

‘...wherever work is’

Whether it is a large City of London office or a kitchen table
From Land’s End to John O’Groats and all in between

Quality Products and Services

Exceptional Customer Experience

Award-Winning Knowledge and Expertise

‘Quality Products and Services’

We work with exceptional established brands
We stock high-quality, innovative products
We carry out a seamless installation
We offer effective DSE Assessments
We provide adaptive and thoughtful design work

‘Exceptional Customer Experience’

We have national coverage, fast response and delivery times 
Our online store is intuitive to navigate, secure and easy to use
Our prices are transparent and competitive
We offer guidance on product use and set-up
We have a great after-sales experience including long-life products and warranty fulfilment
We practise flexibility with clients and their evolving requirements
We are there for our clients long after their initial installation

‘Award-Winning Knowledge and Expertise’

We share thought leadership through our training and seminars
We support colleagues "at risk”
We can help with budgeting, planning and implementation strategies
We can assist with compliance achievement
We offer advice on ergonomic and agile working solutions

We start from the customer and work backwards

We build long-term, sustainable relationships with our customers, suppliers and colleagues

We are working towards a sustainable and socially responsible future

‘Customer First’

We are continually working to increase customer satisfaction and return business
We focus on the individual for a personalised service

‘Long-term, Sustainable Relationships’

We have a joined-up approach with everyone we work with
We are passionate about sharing knowledge and learning from our peers


We want to help conserve the environment we live in for generations to come
We diversify into new areas to improve the sustainability of raw materials
We are actively trying the reduce the amount of materials that go to landfill by recycling and upcycling
Every year we select a charity that all staff help to fundraise for